Eligibility and Criteria for Awards
To be eligible for JHSSF awards, applicants must:
Be a prospective Justice High School graduate who has been at Justice at least four semesters prior to graduation;
Complete the scholarship application by the established due date with all required supporting documentation.
Criteria for Awards
Scholarships are awarded based on demonstrated financial need. Financial need for JHSSF purposes is based on the following:
Expected Family Contribution (EFC) determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA);
Financial aid packages offered by colleges; and
"Cost of Attendance," as determined by colleges.
In addition to demonstrated financial need, the following applicant characteristics are taken into account:
Academic success and rigor of coursework;
School commitment and activity;
Work experience;
Personal Essay(s)
Community Involvement;
Commitments (e.g. family, jobs, etc.)
Recommendations from Justice HS faculty and community
Members of the JHSSF serve as the selection committee and their recommendations are presented to and approved by the Board.
For questions regarding the application process, please contact the JHSSF at jhsscholars@gmail.com.